Our Story

    I.L. Thomas Elementary was built in 1992. It is built in the shape of a turtle representing one of the clans of the Six Nations. The gym and the library were built in the center of the design while the classrooms are built around the perimeters. The building has a greenhouse, office space, girls and boys change rooms, and a stage.

    The school is named after Ivan L. Thomas. Mr. Thomas was a teacher and principal at S.S. #11 School for many years. The Community wanted to honour Mr. Thomas therefore, the school was named after him.

    I.L. Thomas offers the English Program to Kindergarten to Grade 8; the Immersion Program to Kindergarten to Grade 4; 50/50 Program to Grades 5 to 8 (students receive English and Immersion).

    I.L. Thomas participates in all sports including 3 Pitch, Volleyball, Basketball, Lacrosse, Badminton, Cross Country, Track and Field, Golf, and Snow Snake. 

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